Displaying content on screens in schools and colleges is a great way to communicate and engage your students, teachers, governors and visitors, across the campus. From welcoming messages and wayfinding, to showcasing student's work, content can be updated via the network or remotely with Windows based, Repeat Signage digital signage software.
Westholme School
United Kingdom
Howard Park School
West Yorkshire, UK
Black Belt Academy
Ontario, Canada
Sandwell Academy
United Kingdom
Merryhill School
Our Lady's Convent
United Kingdom
Albemarle Music
Hull, England, UK
Queensmead Academy
Leicester, UK
Cantraybridge College
Inverness, Scotland, UK
Ramsay Media
South Africa
"Repeat Signage enabled us to design screens that were flexible and easy to update. After initial design work by myself I've managed to pass all updates on to our receptionists. Staff that want messages displaying on the screens simply hand their requests into reception and the receptionists handle all the updates. Due to Repeat Signage's easy user interface, staff required very little training and found that their current Microsoft Office skills were transferable to Repeat Signage."
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