Many of the original controls in Repeat Signage support playlists and scrolling.
The examples below show the picture control being used in 4 different ways to
give your presentations flexibility. These are examples using the picture
control, but the same principles apply to other controls.
Single control
The above picture shows a picture control displaying the 'Heads.jpg' sample
To insert a picture control:
1. Create a new presentation or open an existing one.
On the designer screen menu, click on 'Insert' then 'Insert picture'. This
will allow you to choose a picture file.
3. This defaults to 'On local or
network drive'. Click on the browse button and choose a picture file, for
example 'Heads.jpg' and then click on 'Open' to return to the previous screen.
4. Now click on OK to
insert the new picture control onto the designer.
can then position and size your Picture control as required. Double
click the Picture control to view the properties.
Control using a playlist
The above pictures show a picture control with 4 pictures being display and
changing every 1 second. To create a picture playlist:
On the designer screen menu, click on 'Insert' then 'Insert picture'. This
will allow you to choose a picture file. This defaults to 'On local or
network drive'.
2. Click on the browse button and choose a picture file, for example
'Heads.jpg' and then click on 'Open' to return to the previous screen.
3. Now click on OK to insert the new picture control onto the designer. You
can then position and size your Picture control as required.
4. Double
click the Picture control to view the picture control's properties.
5. Put a tick in the 'Use play list instead' tick box. This will take you
to the Playlist tab. Your first Picture appears in the grid for you.
6. Use the 'Add' button to add other Pictures to the list. Repeat
Signage sample pictures FootPrint.jpg, Heads.jpg, Penguin.jpg and PirateFlag.jpg
are using in the above example.
NOTE - You could also use 'Add blank' to add blank items which can be used
to give a pause between playing your gif files. For example, you could insert a
single gif file and set it to display for 2 seconds. Then insert a blank item
again for 2 seconds. This would then give the effect of flashing the picture on
and off the screen.
NOTE - With the Picture, PDF and Text label control there is also the option
of using a transition, such as fade, between items in the play list.
7. When you have added your play list pictures, then click on the OK to
close the properties screen and return to the designer. Your play list will
start playing immediately. The length of time each one will display form
will depend on how long you specified for each play list item.
Simple scrolling picture control

(IMPORTANT NOTE - The scrolling examples above use animated gifs to give
you an idea of different scroll types. Scrolling in the actual
software is smooth and not jerky)
The above picture shows the 'Heads.jpg' and 'PirateFlag.jpg' sample
pictures scrolling from right to left. You can also scroll 'left to
right', 'top to bottom' and 'bottom to top', plus diagonally. To create
1. Create a play list of controls - Follow the instructions
for creating a play list above so that you already have a picture control with a
playlist. Use the four sample pictures: FootPrint.jpg, Heads.jpg,
Penguin.jpg and PirateFlag.jpg.
2. Open the picture control's properties by double clicking it and then
selecting the 'Scrolling tab'.
3. Change the 'Scroll direction' combo box to an entry other than NONE,
for example RIGHT TO LEFT. Click on OK to see it scrolling.
For more scrolling options, on the properties 'Scrolling tab', press the F1 key
to see the various options.
Simple scrolling with pause picture control

(IMPORTANT NOTE - The scrolling examples above use animated gifs to give
you an idea of different scroll types. Scrolling in the actual
software is smooth and not jerky. There is a pause between the
scrolling of images in the above sample.)
The above picture shows the 'Heads.jpg' and 'PirateFlag.jpg' sample
pictures scrolling from right to left. You can also scroll 'left to
right', 'top to bottom' and 'bottom to top', plus diagonally. To create
1. Create a play list of controls - Follow the instructions
for creating a play list above so that you already have a picture control with a
playlist. Use the four sample pictures: FootPrint.jpg, Heads.jpg,
Penguin.jpg and PirateFlag.jpg.
2. Open the picture control's properties by double clicking it and then
selecting the 'Scrolling tab'.
3. Change the 'Scroll direction' combo box to an entry other than NONE,
for example BOTTOM TO TOP.
4. Change the 'Pause between items seconds to 2.
5. You will usually want the next time to scroll on quiet quickly
between paused items, so change the 'Pixels to move each move time' to 15
6. Click on OK to see it scrolling.
This will scroll very quickly between pictures, but pause for 2 seconds when
the picture is completely filling the control.
For more scrolling options, on the properties 'Scrolling tab', press the F1 key
to see the various options.
Advanced scrolling picture control

(IMPORTANT NOTE - The scrolling examples above use animated gifs to give
you an idea of different scroll types. Scrolling in the actual
software is smooth and not jerky)
The above picture shows the sample pictures FootPrint.jpg, Heads.jpg,
Penguin.jpg and PirateFlag.jpg sample pictures scrolling from right to left, but
with the picture control and scrolling items sizes so that several of the
pictures are scrolling together. You can also scroll 'left to right', 'top
to bottom' and 'bottom to top', plus diagonally. To create this:
1. Follow the instructions for simple scrolling above.
2. Open the picture control's properties by double clicking it and then
make sure you are on the 'Playlist' tab. Make sure you have the 4 sample
pictures in the play list grid.
3. Click on the 'Scrolling' tab. Take the tick out of the 'Playlist
items same size as control' tick box. This will then display the 'Specify
play list item size'. Set the Width to 100 and the height to 75.
4. Click on OK to save and return to the designer screen.
5. Now resize the picture control to 300 x 75 pixels. You can do
this by clicking once on the picture control to select it and then changing the
size on the menu 'Size in pixels' section.