RSS news control

control allows Repeat Signage to use Internet
RSS feeds
and also ones that you create yourself on a network drive for your
organisation. Although we usually think of RSS feeds as coming
from Internet news sites, such as the BBC, these can be used to display
information in your presentation that can be updated via a computer network
drive. This allows the screen in reception area, etc, to be updated whilst
playing from anywhere on your network.
You can also use this to scroll text you enter manually, rather than using an
RSS feed file.
We offer a free RSS feed creation service at
so that you can create your own news feeds. See the section toward the
bottom of this page.
There are currently two different designs to the RSS reader control plus
numerous options for each of these.
RSS SCROLLER 03 - This allows the displaying of 1 line of text,
i.e. the title of an RSS feed item. There are 4 settings for this.
These are SCROLL LEFT, FADE, TYPE, and SLIDE. These affect how
the next news item appears on screen.
RSS SCROLLER 04 - This allows the display of 2 lines of text, i.e.
the title and description lines of an RSS feed item. This has 3
settings. There are FADE, TYPE, and SLIDE.
In case you were wondering what happened to RSS SCROLLER 01 and RSS SCROLLER
02, these were created with Adobe Flash, which is no longer supported by
Windows 10 (effective end of December 2020).
To create a list of news items by just typing them in,
rather than playing an existing RSS feed. To do this, then on the
'Location choice' tab, select 'Manually add playlist items':
Repeat Signage editions
All Repeat Signage editions allows you to display RSS feeds, but the
Corporate and Media Wall editions allow you to display the text from a
database as well as from RSS feeds.
Simple RSS news displaying one news item after another from an Internet
RSS news
To do this:
On the designer screen menu, click on 'Insert' then 'Insert RSS reader'.
- This defaults to 'On a website' as the location of the RSS news. You
could enter to view the latest
news on Repeat Signage, or browse and find another RSS news page. It
is easiest to find the address of the RSS news in your computer's browser,
such as Firefox or Internet Explorer, and then copy and paste the address in
- Click on OK when you selected your site to insert the RSS control
onto the designer screen.
can then position and size your RSS news control as required. Double
click the control to view the properties and change the font, colours, etc.
Trouble shooting - Validating an RSS feed
There is a free RSS validation tool at If you are having a problem with a
particular news feed, then you can check it's validity at this site.
Playlists of RSS feeds
You can create a play list of RSS feeds so that different RSS news feeds can be
shown for different amounts of time. To do this:
On the designer screen menu, click on 'Insert' then 'Insert RSS reader'. This
will allow you to choose a file. This defaults to 'On local or
network drive'.
2. Click on the browse button and choose an RSS feed site (Press F1 for
help and a list of feeds) and then click on
'Open' to return to the previous screen.
3. Now click on OK to insert the new control onto the designer. You
can then position and size your control as required.
4. Double
click the control to view the control's properties.
5. Put a tick in the 'Use play list instead' tick box. This will take you
to the Playlist tab. Your first RSS appears in the grid for you.
6. Use the 'Add' button to add other files to the list.
7. When you have added your play list files, then click on the OK to
close the properties screen and return to the designer. Your play list will
start playing immediately. Then length of time each item will display for
will depend on how long you specified for each play list item. There are
different designs of RSS feed with different colours and you can customise
end one in your play list independently.
Scheduling the playing of different RSS feeds at different times of
the day or week (Standard and above editions only)
The information on creating a play list above shows you how to
create a play list that just loops files. On the play list tab, there is
a 'Schedule type' drop down list. You can change this from 'PLAYLIST'
to 'HOURLY', 'DAILY', or 'WEEKLY'. The difference between this and the
'PLAYLIST' option is that when you add items you have to specify 'From' and
'To' time values.
For example, an HOURLY scheduler can be used to play a file at the start of
every hour for 1 minute (0 minutes 0 seconds to 0 minutes 59 seconds).
You have to put in files to cover the entire hour. If you don't want
anything playing for the rest of the hour, then insert a blank item that
covers from 1 minute 0 seconds to 59 minutes 59 seconds. At the end of
an hour, the entire hourly schedule will loop again. When you play a
presentation, it displays items based on the current time or day.
When you add a blank item, you can decide whether to make the blank item
display the background of the control (which you can specify a colour or
picture for) or whether to make the entire control invisible. When
adding or editing a blank item, go to the 'Blank item' tab and either tick
or un-tick the 'Entire control is visible' box. This is useful
for scheduling when you want a control invisible.
The DAILY schedule type allows you to specify files and blank items to cover
the entire day. At the end of the day, the schedule will start again.
WEEKLY allows you to schedule what happens on each day of the week (at any
time), and then restarts at the beginning of the next week. Repeat
Signage uses Monday as the first day of the business week. Another
thing to note is that every control that supports scheduling runs
independently of all others, so you can have lots of different controls all
doing different things.
Tools have been added to Repeat Signage to help you test scheduling.
On the designer screen menu, you can click on 'View' then 'View program time
for schedule testing'. Clicking on this puts the time on the bottom
right of the designer screen menu. This is the clock that Repeat
Signage uses with controls. You can change this time using 'View' then
'Change program time for schedule testing'. This allows you to change
either the time or date, so that you can see what will be displayed at any
point. For example, you may have an 'offer of the day' for each day of
the week, made by displaying pictures in a picture control. Changing
the program date to another day will allow you to test that the correct
picture file, with that day's offer on, is being displayed.
Creating RSS feeds free with and using them with
this control
You can create a free
account and use this to create your own RSS news feeds. When you have created
your RSS feed, then you point your RSS reader control at it from within your
Repeat Signage presentation. Your Repeat Signage presentation will
then play your RSS feed. When you later log onto your
account and change the RSS feed (and re-publish it), then your Repeat Signage presentation will
automatically update itself and display your latest news.
Here is how to do this, step by step:
1. Create a free
if you haven't already done this. This can be done by visiting
in your web browser or via the '' tab on the main Repeat
Signage screen.
2. Log onto your
account and on the menu click on 'RSS Feeds' then 'RSS Feed list'.
3. Click on the 'Add new RSS feed' button.
If this is a new
account, you will see that a default one has already been created for you.
4. Enter a name, title and description. The file name must be unique and end in '.xml'.
So if you have several RSS feeds (such as different ones for different
departments), then you need to make sure each as a different name
5. Click on the 'News items' tab and click on 'Add item'.
6. Enter a 'Title' and 'Summary'. The 'Link URL' is optional for
when using in Repeat Signage. If you are publishing feeds for use on a
website, then you need to put in a website URL (www address) of a website
page that has more information on your news item.
7. Repeat Step 6 and add a second item.
8. Now click on the 'Save' button to save your RSS feed and it will return you to the list.
IMPORTANT NOTE - When you first create an RSS feed
then it is published automatically. When you
edit a feed (by selecting the edit button next to it) and add or remove
items, then the RSS feed file DOES NOT automatically change. You have
to then click on the 'Publish' link next to your feed in the list.
This is so that you can go in and change items, or one of your colleagues
can, or both of you, but then the presentations using these feeds don't get
updated until you are ready to publish the new version.
9. Back to Repeat Signage. Go to the main screen and select the
'' tab. If you haven't already linked your Repeat
Server account to Repeat Signage, then you will need to follow the
instructions on screen. When this has been done, then please click on
the 'Refresh' button to display all your Repeat Server files, which should
include the RSS feed you have just created. This needs to be visible before we can
10. Create a Repeat Signage presentation on your computer or open an
existing one. In the Repeat Signage designer, click on 'Insert'
then 'Insert RSS Reader'.
11. Click the 'RepeatServer' option and a list of your RSS feeds
will be displayed, which will include the one you just added above.
Now select this feed by clicking on it, then click on the 'OK' button.
Your RSS reader control will now be on screen and playing your playlist.
You can resize this as required.
12. Double click your new control to see it's properties. Click on the
'Refresh' tab. By default, new controls that are collected from a website
location will automatically check for changes every 15 minutes. You can set
this value appropriately. Change this to 1 minute.
To give this a test:
13. Log onto your
account and edit your feed by adding another news item. When you have finished changing it, then click on the 'Publish' option.
14. Your
presentation will update itself (even in the Repeat Signage designer)
within the refresh time (1 minute if you have followed the example
The Repeat Software support team are happy to help if you have any
problems. Contact us at
Creating RSS feeds for
use on your computer network with the Repeat RSS Feed Manager
You may have a staff cafeteria in your building and decide to put in a large
LCD monitor and computer to display Repeat Signage presentations on with the
aim of keeping all members of staff up to date with the latest company news.
You could split the screen into areas to display general information, but
also decide to put a scrolling RSS news control along the bottom of the
screen to display news that changes on a daily basis. For the
first presentation you have the following items of news:
- John Smith has been promoted to Sales Manager after Fred Bloggs retirement
- Fred Bloggs leaving presentation today in the cafeteria at 5pm today
- Staff discount has been increased to 15%
The receptionist has been tasked with updating the presentations.
The first thing to do is to get the IT Department to make a folder on a
network drive that only the receptionist and the computer in the cafeteria
playing presentations have full access to. This is so that some
practical joker within your organisation cannot then edit the RSS news file with
Windows Notepad and change the news items displayed on screen. The IT
Department can do this by creating a new network folder located at:
A note about Repeat Signage licensing. When you purchase any version
of Repeat Signage, you
will receive a serial number that will allow you to activate the software.
This gives you a licence to play Repeat Signage presentations (and playlists
In the Standard and above editions) without trial version messages being displayed.
Designing presentations can be done on a trial version of the software and
you just need a licence for computers playing your presentations.
In this example, this organisation would need to buy just 1 licence for
Repeat Signage Standard Edition, which would need to be activated on the
reception computer.
The receptionist, on his/her computer in the reception area, now needs to create
an RSS news that the Repeat Signage player in the cafeteria can collect and
play. An RSS news is really just a text file and to create one in the
correct RSS format then you need to use the Repeat RSS Feed Manager.
To create a new RSS news:
1. Open Repeat Signage and on the menu click on 'Utilities' then 'RSS Feed Manager'. This opens the RSS Feed Manager
2. Click on the 'Add' button to create a brand new RSS news
3. Enter a feed name of 'Cafeteria'
4. Enter a title of 'Company News'
5. Enter a description of 'Company News in the Cafeteria'
Note - The title and description would only be seen if you were
publishing an RSS news to your website
6. Click on the 'Browse for location' button to choose where to
publish your RSS news file to. In the case of this example it would be
n:\CaferteriaScreen. Choose a location on a local or network drive
just for testing. On the screen that appears, click on the 'Browse'
button and select a folder and when you are happy with the location, then
click on the OK screen to return to the RSS news record page.
7. Now we need to add the items of news that will be displayed.
To do this, click on the 'Add' button
8. Enter the first news item title 'John Smith has been promoted to
Sales Manager after Fred Bloggs retirement'. Note - The 'Summary' and
'URL of full story' fields are only needed if you are publishing to your organisation's website. Press the OK
screen to add the first new item.
9. Use the 'Add' button again to add the next news item of 'Fred
Bloggs leaving presentation today in the cafeteria at 5pm today' then click
on OK.
10. Use the 'Add' button again to add the last news item of 'Staff
discount has been increased to 15%' then click on OK.
11. Click on the 'OK' button to save your completed RSS news. It
then returns you to the RSS feed manager page.
12. Select the 'Cafeteria' news feed in the list and then click on the
'Preview' button. This will open Internet Explorer and display your
news feed in
format which is what
RSS feeds use to encode the feed
title, description plus all the news items.
13. With the 'Cafeteria' news feed still selected, click on the
'Publish' button. This then creates a file called News.xml in
your folder. In the example, the file created is
Whenever the receptionist needs to update the RSS news, they can use the
RSS news machine to open the feed record and add/edit/delete news items as
necessary. When they has made changes, they can then click on the
'Publish' button to update the :\CaferteriaScreen\News.xml file again.
Now we are ready to display the RSS news on the computer in the cafeteria.
The receptionists uses the organisation's logo, some pictures, text, etc to
build a new Repeat Signage Presentation called 'Presentation.rsp' on her
machine and then saves this presentation again to the network drive in the
The receptionist then needs to add the new N:\CaferteriaScreen\News.xml news feed file to
the presentation. This is done as follows:
1. Open the presentation
2. On the designer screen menu, click on 'Insert' then 'Insert RSS reader'. This screen defaults to collecting RSS feeds from a website.
Click on 'In a local or network file' and then use the 'Browser' button to
find your RSS news or in this case N:\CaferteriaScreen\News.xml. Then
click on the 'OK' button to insert the RSS control onto the screen.
It will then display the RSS news, in play list mode, showing news one
item after the other every 3 seconds. We need to widen this control
otherwise you cannot see all the text.
3. Click on your RSS news control, then right mouse click and
from the menu select 'Size' then 'Screen width' to make the control the same
width as the screen.
4. Drag the RSS news control to the bottom of the screen.
5. You now need to tell Repeat Signage to monitor the RSS news
file so that as soon as the receptionist updates this file, then the Repeat
Signage player computer will automatically display the new news items.
To do this, double click the RSS news control and click on the 'Refresh'
tab. Make sure there is a tick in both the 'Check for updated control'
and 'For local/network files - monitor file .....' tick boxes and click on
the 'OK' button.
The control's properties also allow you to specify font's, colours, and even
use pictures as the colours for the text. All the formatting options
of the
Text label control are also available to the
text on the RSS control.
On the cafeteria player computer, the IT Department will need to configure
the player to play the presentation, n:\CaferteriaScreen\Presentation.rsp,
when that computer starts. See
First presentation - Playing on
load on how to do this. They may also need do things like disable
Disable Windows screen saver and
monitor standby and
Windows start up -
Removing the log on screen.
Because the RSS news file is now 'monitored' by Repeat Signage, as soon as
the receptionist changes the feed in the RSS Feed Manager and publishes,
then the new news will display on the screen in the cafeteria immediately.
Also, since the presentation is also on the network drive, the receptionist
can also alter the presentation and when the computer is turned on in the
morning the new presentation will be displayed.
Note - You can also use the RSS Feed Manager to publish directly to an
FTP site. This can be used to also publish
RSS feeds to your website visitors and customers, which they can read with a
desktop RSS feed reader.
Filtering news items
In some circumstances, you may want to filter out news items over a certain
age. One example of this is with a traffic news feed giving details of
traffic delays in your area. News items over 6 hours old (possibly even 2
hours) are pretty much useless to people looking a digital signage screen.
There is a 'Filtering' tab which allows this filtering out of news items.
Technical notes
Our RSS reader is designed to scroll plain text, in a traditional
ticker tape type way. Some RSS feeds include HTML (the mark up
language used to create website pages) so Repeat Signage automatically
strips out all HTML tags to leave just the plain text. On some feeds
which have heavy use of HTML, including pictures, then this may result in a
poor quality description. See our
RSS feed list
for recommended publish RSS feeds plus if you are creating your own RSS
feed, we recommend our own free RSS creation service at
which links directly into Repeat Signage.
Corporate edition database support
The Corporate edition has the option of collecting news items from a
database. To do this, then on the 'Location choice' tab, select
'Collect playlist from a database'.
This means that this control can also be used to scroll, animate or display
a list of text items. Use the help pages on each tab to guide you
though the process.
A word about fonts
This control uses fonts installed on your computer. These fonts need
to also be installed on the computers playing your presentations for your
presentation to look correct. See
Fonts in Repeat
Signage for more information.
Unicode support for Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Greek and other
From version 2.5.8, Repeat Signage now supports Unicode characters such as
Chinese characters. The only restriction is that you cannot use then
within the actual file name. See
support in Repeat digital signage software for more details.
RSS news feeds on the Internet
See our
RSS feed list for RSS news website.