Collecting website page images
With Repeat Signage you can take a still picture of a website page, such
which can then be used in picture based controls. It takes an image on
the entire website page, which is going to be a variable size each time the
page is updated with different content. The width will usually remain
constant until a site has a re-design.
By default, Repeat Signage uses Internet Explorer in the background to
collect website page images, as this is a very fast system. However,
Internet Explorer does have some problems with some website pages.
If you have a problem with a particular website then we have an 'HTML5'
option which uses a complete different HTML5 browser system to try instead.
The downside is that the HTML5 system takes about 3 seconds longer to
generate website page images, so we don't use this option by default.
When in the designer, this will normally only happen once as the page is
cached, i.e. collected once and then stored for the next 15 minutes (this
depends on the 'Cache age (mins)' settings).
If you do have problems with Internet Explorer, then you may need to add some additional Windows Registry
settings to get Internet Explorer to display some website pages designed
with the latest HTML5 features. We have a menu option to do this for
you. Please see
Internet Explorer Windows Registry settings for more information.
Getting started
When adding pictures to the Picture or Banner controls,
select the 'Image of website page' option which will display the options box
below. First you need to use the 'Where is your website page located'
option at the top to select a website page. This will usually be an
Internet based website, so it defaults to the 'Website' option and you can
either browse for, copy and paste, or type in your website address:

When you have specified the location of the website page, then
Repeat Signage can collect a full page image, which is also puts into a
cache area in case your network or Internet connections go down. When
have specified a location, then use the 'Preview' button to see a preview of
the website page. If you see a problem with the preview, or get
an error message about collecting the website page, then please try putting
a tick in the 'HTML5' tick box and try again. This will then use a
different browser engine to try to collect your website page instead.
Display options
View - This defaults to "FIT WIDTH" which means it will
size the website page to the width of your control, and display as much of
the height of the website page as it has room for. This keeps the
proportions correct when you resize your control.
The "ALL" option displays the full website page but it will usually look
squashed until you resize your control.
"KEEP HEIGHT" is another good option, which keeps the height of the page,
but makes the width variable. You may need to increase the width
of your control. If you are using the
Repeat Picture system, then any
excess width becomes transparent automatically.
"CONTROL WIDTH" is an option that just displays the part of the website page
that will fit in your control. You can use the 'Zoom percent' option
to scale the displayed website page up or down if required. This is
also the option you would use if you were using our custom template system
and displaying HTML information from databases.
There is lastly as special "RAW FULL PAGE" which should only be used if you
intend to use 'Manual cropping' tab later.
Load delay seconds - Most website pages load and their images
capture's fine. However, some sites using graphics
finish loading these items after the page loads, so you can set a small
delay to take the snap shot of the website page a couple of seconds later.
Cache age (minutes) - Repeat Signage takes your website page image
and stores it as a picture file in our cache area. This means that if
you load your presentation and your Internet connection is off, then Repeat
Signage uses the cached picture instead. Obviously, this may be out of
date, but this is better than no image at all. When the Internet is
back, then next time Repeat Signage tried to collect your website page
it will then be able to get the latest version. The cache age in
minutes defaults to 15 minutes. This means that in the designer, you
aren't constantly connecting to the Internet and collecting the page image
again and again which resizing, changing settings, etc. You can change
this to 0 if you want to turn this off.
Zoom percent - Only enabled on the View box's "CONTROL WIDTH"
option. See above.
HTML5 - This option uses an alternative browser system and can be
used if your website page image is either not be collected at all, or is not
displaying correctly. However, this takes about 3 seconds longer to
create per page, so this is not the default option.
High Quality - If you are creating full size images of website
pages for True HD screens (1920x1080 pixels) then you may want to use this
option. This will not increase the quality of images of website pages (as
most are optimised for a particular size) but will increase the quality of
the rendered text. If this full page image is already very large, such as
1,000x10,000 pixels, then this is ignored as the final image would exceed
system maximum image sizes.
Display part of page - You may not want to start at the top of a
website page. There are a lot of sites with cookie messages that they
want you to click to make them disappear. You could start at say 50
pixels down the page to avoid this area, for example. To do this you
would put a tick in the 'Display part of page' tick box and then set the
Starting point to 0, 50.
You may also not want the left and right edges of a page, if there is an
unnecessary border. You can set a left starting point, such as 12
pixels in and then set a width of 1000. Since the browser width
defaults to 1024, this would cut the website page by 12 pixels either side.
Since we didn't set a height, then this would return the page all the way to
the bottom and just trim the sides.
You can use the 'Select' button to visually select an area. Just remember,
that if this website page changes a lot, then you may need to
adjust this again in your presentation.
Website page widths
Many websites are designed to display at a certain width, such as 900 pixels
when viewed from desktop computers (as opposed to mobile devices).
By default, we set a page with of 1024 pixels, which the majority of
websites designed to display on desktop computers will display perfectly.
You can change this number if required. For example, if you wanted to
see a responsive website at say 320 pixels wide, which is how a mobile phone
may view a website page.
Other picture options such manual cropping and auto cropping
The website page image system uses it's own system, so that using the other
Picture control tabs of 'Manual cropping' and 'Auto cropping' should be
needed, and will either not work or give unexpected results. If you do
want to use any of these options instead, then change the View combo box to
"RAW FULL PAGE" and then the complete page image is passed to these routines
Using database fields containing HTML with the Custom Template
system (Corporate Edition and above)
You will need to use the 'Paste HTML/Widget' option rather than
'Website' and then use the 'Select database field' button to choose a
database field containing HTML. You will most likely need to the
View dropdown to "CONTROL WIDTH" which will display your HTML to the same
size as your control, especially if your HTML is just formatted text.
If you need any advice, then please email us at
Repeat Signage uses Microsoft Internet Explorer to display website
pages. Please make sure that you have the latest version of Internet
Explorer available for your version of Windows otherwise some websites
created with the latest versions of HTML may not display properly.
See: and
Windows version |
Latest version of Internet Explorer available |
Windows 7 |
Internet Explorer 11 (latest version as at January 2016) |
Windows 8/8.1 |
Internet Explorer 11 (latest version as at January 2016) |
Windows 10 |
Microsoft Edge |
Windows 11 |
Microsoft Edge |
Internet Explorer 8 doesn't support HTML5. However, most HTML5 website
pages have fall back mechanisms to render for older browsers instead.
On some systems, you may need to add some additional Windows Registry
settings to get Internet Explorer to display some website pages designed
with the latest HTML5 features. We have a menu option to do this for
you. Please see
Internet Explorer Windows Registry settings for more information.