Spreadsheet control
Input spreadsheets to your digital signage, data and graphics
This control allows you to display existing Microsoft Excel .xlsx file and
allows you to use the built in editor to create spreadsheets within
your presentations. You can also create and display graphs from your
information. This gives you an easy way to display formatted
information in grids and you also have the ability to insert pictures as
well. This is ideal for easily creating menus for restaurants,
displaying sales figures in a sales office, or listing today's events in
hotel lobbies, venues and even court rooms.
Our simple graphing system allows you to display graphs to your audience.
For example, in a school your could display attendance figures for classes:
With existing spreadsheets, you can also select which tab to display and
the top left starting cell. Another nice feature is the ability to
display or not display the spreadsheet grid lines.
You can also create a looping play list for sheets from your spreadsheet
file. For example, in a restaurant, you may want to display 3 pages of
menu information, such as 'Beverages', 'Main courses' and 'Cakes' and
have each page on screen for 5 seconds and revolve in a loop. You can
do this by creating a spreadsheet with 3 tabs and put a menu on each.
You can then use the 'Sheet play list' tab to add the sheets to the play
You can also schedule on a hourly, daily, or weekly basis from
within a Spreadsheet control. So you could use the daily option to
display your lunch time sheets say between 11am to 2pm, and then display
different sheets at breakfast and dinner times. Pictures and graphs
can also be inserted into your spreadsheets which allows you to flexibly
create and layout menus and other tabular information with ease.
The spreadsheet control is ideal for displaying lists of information, which
can be updated from your network quickly and easily, or even remotely at
RepeatServer.com. (We also have a
Datagrid control if live database information needs to be displayed).
The built in spreadsheet option stores all the spreadsheet information
internally within the Repeat Signage Presentation (.rsp) file. The
advantage of using a separate spreadsheet file is that this can put on a
computer network drive and Repeat Signage presentations can play this spreadsheet and "monitor" for changes, say every 5 minutes. If you then edit
the spreadsheet from another computer on your network, the playing Repeat
Signage presentation will detect this and automatically load and play the
new file.
Repeat Signage has a spreadsheet on the 'Free tools' menu on the main
Repeat Signage screen. You can use this to create your own Excel .xlsx
spreadsheet files. You can install the trial version of Repeat
Signage on as many PC's as you like and the trial never expires. This
allows you to edit spreadsheet files you use with Repeat Signage on your
network free of charge and you don't need Microsoft Excel installing.
Remote updating is also available with our Standard and above editions. The easiest way is to use our free
service to host your spreadsheets, and you can even edit them online from
any computer with a browser, or edit them on your computer and upload new
copies when needed.
Spreadsheets in other controls
PDF/Document control,
Banner control and
Picture control also display spreadsheet
files. However, these do this by pages the same way as if you printed
the spreadsheet out.
Pictures in spreadsheets
You may want to decorate your spreadsheets with Repeat Icons and pictures,
so the spreadsheet tool bar has these insert buttons:
which support our Repeat Icons:
which can be used to decorate spreadsheets:
and our picture system:
so you can collect pictures from a variety of sources. It allows you
to crop and resize images to insert into your spreadsheets.
can also be rotated by clicking on them and using the resizer handles an the
green circle rotate handle:

Pictures added you to spreadsheets through Repeat Signage save details on
your icon or picture and double click pictures allows you to edit them with
IMPORTANT NOTE - Spreadsheet compatibility
Our spreadsheet control is not 100% compatible with Excel. There are
differences with the way graphs are rendered and other advanced features.
Spreadsheets with passwords are not currently supported.
Alternatives to this control
You can export from Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice.org Calc as PDF file
files. These can be displayed with our
PDF/document control,
Picture control
Banner control instead.
A spreadsheet shows a grid of information and to update this grid, you will
need to update the spreadsheet. If you want to display grids of live
information, such as from a database (or your MIS via ODBC) then consider
using our
Datagrid control (Standard and above editions).
Simple spreadsheets
On the designer screen menu, click on 'Insert' then 'Insert spreadsheet'. This
will allow you to either browse and select an existing spreadsheet or use the
'Built-in spreadsheet' option to create one. Once you have created
your spreadsheet and it appears in your presentation, you can resize it to
display just the information you require. Double
click the Spreadsheet control to edit and make changes.
Sizing your spreadsheet control and zoom
When you have your spreadsheet control on screen, then the bigger you make
this, then the more columns, rows and cells you can see from your spreadsheet. There is also a 'Zoom percent' option which defaults to 100%.
Changing to 75%, etc, will make everything in your sheet look smaller so
that you can get more information on screen, and changing to 150%, etc, will
zoom in and you will display less rows and columns but everything will look
Play lists of sheets within a spreadsheet
When editing your presentation, then double click the spreadsheet
control and use the 'Sheet play list':

and use the 'Add' button to add which sheets to display and
optionally the starting cell for each sheet.
Play lists of different spreadsheets
You can create a play list of spreadsheets. Insert a spreadsheet as for
'Simple spreadsheets' above. Then double click the Spreadsheet control to display it's properties. Put a tick in the 'Use play list
instead' tick box. This will take you to the Playlist tab.
Your first spreadsheet appears in the grid for you. Use the 'Add' button
to add other spreadsheets to the list. Use 'Add blank' to add blank items
which can be used to give a pause between playing your spreadsheets. For
example, you could insert a single spreadsheet file and set it to display for 2 seconds.
Then insert a blank item again for 2 seconds. This would then give the
effect of flashing information on and off the screen.
Scheduling the playing of spreadsheets (Standard and above editions only)
The information on creating a play list above shows you how to
create a 'Play list of different spreadsheets' that just loops files. On the play list tab, there is
a 'Schedule type' drop down list. You can change this from 'PLAYLIST'
to 'HOURLY', 'DAILY', or 'WEEKLY'. The difference between this and the
'PLAYLIST' option is that when you add items you have to specify 'From' and
'To' time values.
For example, an HOURLY scheduler can be used to play a file at the start of
every hour for 1 minute (0 minutes 0 seconds to 0 minutes 59 seconds).
You have to put in files to cover the entire hour. If you don't want
anything playing for the rest of the hour, then insert a blank item that
covers from 1 minute 0 seconds to 59 minutes 59 seconds. At the end of
an hour, the entire hourly schedule will loop again. When you play a
presentation, it displays items based on the current time or day.
When you add a blank item, you can decide whether to make the blank item
display the background of the control (which you can specify a colour or
picture for) or whether to make the entire control invisible. When
adding or editing a blank item, go to the 'Blank item' tab and either tick
or un-tick the 'Entire control is visible' box. This is useful
for scheduling when you want a control invisible.
The DAILY schedule type allows you to specify files and blank items to cover
the entire day. At the end of the day, the schedule will start again.
WEEKLY allows you to schedule what happens on each day of the week (at any
time), and then restarts at the beginning of the next week. Repeat
Signage uses Monday as the first day of the business week. Another
thing to note is that every control that supports scheduling runs
independently of all others, so you can have lots of different controls all
doing different things.
Tools have been added to Repeat Signage to help you test scheduling.
On the designer screen menu, you can click on 'View' then 'View program time
for schedule testing'. Clicking on this puts the time on the bottom
right of the designer screen menu. This is the clock that Repeat
Signage uses with controls. You can change this time using 'View' then
'Change program time for schedule testing'. This allows you to change
either the time or date, so that you can see what will be displayed at any
point. For example, you may have an 'offer of the day' for each day of
the week, made by displaying pictures in a picture control. Changing
the program date to another day will allow you to test that the correct
picture file, with that day's offer on, is being displayed.
Playing spreadsheets from RepeatServer.com
You can create a free
account and use to create and edit spreadsheets to use in your Repeat
Signage presentations, which can be updated from anywhere in the world.
When you insert a spreadsheet control in your presentation you can choose to collect
it's text from a website or point it at a spreadsheet on
You then get your presentation to monitor the online version for changes.
When it detects that you have changed the spreadsheet in your online account,
a new version of the spreadsheet is automatically downloaded and played whilst your
presentation is running.
See some of our training videos on creating a RepeatServer.com account:
RepeatServer.com - Create a free account from within Repeat Signage
Changing spreadsheets on screen whilst a presentation is playing
When you insert an existing spreadsheet into a presentation, rather than
creating it with the built-in spreadsheet option, Repeat Signage can
check the file's date/time periodically to see if that file has been changed
since your presentation loaded.
For example, you may display a coffee menu on screen with current prices on.
If this spreadsheet is in a text file on a network drive, such as n:\menu.xlsx then you
can change this menu whenever you like from another computer on the network
using Microsoft Excel or the Repeat Signage spreadsheet program on the
Repeat Signage 'Free tools' menu.
To set your spreadsheet control, within your presentation, you need to open
the spreadsheet control properties by double clicking it. Use the 'Refresh' tab and put a tick in the 'Check for updated content' tick box. If you tick the
'For local/network files - monitor file system for file changes and update ASAP'
then Repeat Signage will monitor this file for when it changes.
Creating spreadsheet documents
Repeat Signage has a built-in spreadsheet creator which can be accessed
from the main screen's 'Free tools' menu. Since this uses the same
system used to display your spreadsheet, you can guarantee that what you
see if what you get. Just make sure you save your spreadsheets in
.xlsx format.
Duplicating pictures
If you need to make a copy of a picture within a spreadsheet, then
click on the picture and use the right mouse click menu's 'Duplicate'
option. This will duplicate the picture and keep all the original
source picture settings. You could use copy and paste but this just
copies the picture and inserts as an embedded picture and then you only have
resizing option. If you use copy and paste, rather than duplicate, on
a Repeat Icon, then again makes the copy an embedded image and you will be
able to edit and switch to a different icon, or change colours.

Preview at control size button
A spreadsheet's sheet isn't a set size, it's a huge sheet of cells.
You will only see the part of your sheet that fits with your spreadsheet
controls window. When using the built-in spreadsheet, use the 'Preview
at control size' button to quickly see what will be seen in your final
control at the current zoom size:

Spreadsheet preview at
same size as control for details.
A word about fonts
This control uses fonts installed on your computer. These fonts need
to also be installed on the computers playing your presentations for your
presentation to look correct. See
Fonts in Repeat
Signage for more information.